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2023 IRPS Conference

From Policy to Implementation: Guidelines, Resources, Challenges, and Expectations for a Cleaner Illinois

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 11, 2023 7:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.

All times are Central Standard Time

Location: President Abraham Lincoln Hotel, 701 E. Adams Street, Springfield, IL 62701


      Tuesday, October 10



*Dimitrios Nikolaou, Executive Director, Institute for Regulatory Policy Studies, Illinois State University

Keynote Address


*Bria Scudder, Deputy Governor for Public Safety, Infrastructure, Environment & Energy, Office of the Governor

Session 1


CEJA I: Update on CEJA Implementation

  • Two years since signing, what has been achieved, and what lessons have been learned?
  • CEJA and IRA: Overlapping traits and differences
  • What are the resources for moving forward?
  • Stakeholders' concerns and how to address them?

Moderator: *Commissioner Doug P. Scott, Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission

Speakers: *Nate Keener, CEJA Central Illinois Administrator, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity

*Scott Metzger, Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Illinois Attorney General

*Anthony Star, Senior Advisor and Chief of the Planning and Procurement Bureau, Illinois Power Agency

*Jim Zolnierek, Public Utilities Bureau Chief, Illinois Commerce Commission


Afternoon Break

Session 2


Grid Resilience and Adaptation

  • Supply and Demand related Energy Shortfalls
  • Climate Risk: Adaptation of Critical Energy, Water, and Broadband
  • Are Microgrids less vulnerable?
  • What are other emerging risks?

Moderator: *Commissioner Ann McCabe, Illinois Commerce Commission

Speakers: *Stephen Bennett, Manager of Regulatory/Legislative Affairs, PJM Interconnection

*Ryan Burg, Principal Business Analyst, Commonwealth Edison

*Dwayne Pickett, Vice President of Clean Hydrogen Market Development, Constellation


End of Day 1 sessions



Wednesday, October 11




Welcome by German Blanco Lobo, Director of Outreach and Research, Illinois State University

Session 3


CEJA II: Clean Energy Transition - It's Sooner Than You Think

  • Energy generation, the current and future resources mix.
  • Who leads the clean energy transition (and who is being left behind)?
  • Is the pace of natural gas, coal, and nuclear generation retirement a concern?
  • How can the State and stakeholders work collaboratively to achieve CEJA's goals?
  • Consideration for equitable transition
    • Labor market impacts
    • Vulnerable Consumers

Moderator: *Commissioner Stacey Paradis, Illinois Commerce Commission

Speakers: *Jane Flanagan, Director, Illinois Department of Labor

*Shelby Linton-Keddie, Executive Director, State Regulatory Affairs, Edison Electric Institute

*Hilary Scott-Ogunrinde, Deputy Director of Energy & Utility, State of Illinois

*Kristol W. Simms, Vice President Clean Energy Transition, Economic, Community, and Business Development, Ameren Illinois


Morning Break

Session 4


Looking to the Future

  • Microgrids
  • Hydrogen
  • Battery Storage
  • Solar, Wind, and Natural Gas

Moderator: *Commissioner Michael T. Carrigan, Illinois Commerce Commission

Speakers: *Meena Beyers, Vice President, Business and Community Development, Nicor Gas

*Louie Binswanger, Senior Vice President Governmental, Regulatory & External Affairs, Commonwealth Edison

*Doug Pryor, President & CEO, Will County Center for Economic Development

*Anthony Star, Senior Advisor and Chief of the Planning and Procurement Bureau, Illinois Power Agency


End of Day 2 sessions

End of 2023 IRPS Conference

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A block of rooms has been reserved for our conference. There is a limited amount of rooms, please register early.

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