November 2007 Conference
November 1, 2007
On November 1, 2007, the Institute for Regulatory Policy Studies will sponsor a one-day conference titled “Transitioning From Frozen Rates to Competitive Prices,” at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Springfield, IL. The conference will feature three sessions focusing on
(1) the major provisions of the Act, how it is expected to work, and its anticipated outcomes;
(2) specific elements of the Act, including demand response and energy efficiency mandates as well as renewable portfolio standards, and
(3) options available to different customer classes in light of continued reliance on competitive markets for the provision of electricity.
Sessions will include:
Session 1: Motivations for and Implications of the Illinois Power Agency Act
Session 2: Major Elements of the Illinois Power Agency Act and Related Legislation
Session 3: Customer Rates and Supply Options: Transition Time Again
8:45 am Welcome: David Loomis, Executive Director, Institute for Regulatory Policy Studies
8:50am Opening Remarks: Hon. Charles Box, Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission
9:00 a.m. Session 1: Motivations for and Implications of the Illinois Power Agency Act
- Implications of a 10-year rate freeze: rate shock
- Major provisions of the law
- How the process is expected to work
- Intended outcomes, i.e., expected changes from the current situation
Moderator: Hon. Erin O’Connell-Diaz, Commissioner, Illinois Commerce Commission (Invited)
- Speakers:
- Susan Hedman, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Illinois Attorney General’s Office
- Craig Nelson, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Financial Services, Ameren Illinois Utilities
- Rebecca Lauer, Regulatory Counsel, Midwest Generation
10:45 a.m. Morning Break
11:00 a.m. Session 2: Major Elements of the Illinois Power Agency Act and Related Legislation
- Options available to meet non-residential demand
- Net metering
- Demand response and energy efficiency mandates
- Renewable portfolio standards
Moderator: TBA
- Speakers:
- Barry Matchett, Co-Legislative Director, Environmental Law and Policy Center
- Sharon Hillman, Vice President of Marketing and Environmental Programs, Commonwealth Edison Co.
- Jon Feipel, Energy Director, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
12:45 p.m. Lunch
Lunch speaker: *Martin Cohen, Director of Consumer Affairs, Illinois
1:45 p.m. Session 3: Customer Rates and Supply Options: Transition Time Again
- Continued reliance on competitive retail markets
- Products/options for the different customer classes
- Transitory rate relief
- Experience in other states
Moderator: Edward Hurley, Chico & Nunes, P.C.
- Speakers:
- David Fein, Vice President Energy Policy- Midwest/MISO, Constellation Energy Group
- Ron Cerniglia, Director of National Advocacy, Government, and Regulatory Affairs; Direct Energy
- Tim Anderson, Executive Director, Illinois Commerce Commission
3:30 p.m. Close
Invited speakers and moderators include:
- Hon. Charles Box, Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission
- Hon. Lula Ford, Commissioner, Illinois Commerce Commission
- Hon. Erin O’Connell-Diaz, Illinois Commerce Commission
- Hon. Robert Lieberman, Commissioner, Illinois Commerce Commission
- Susan Hedman, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Illinois Attorney General’s Office
- Craig Nelson,Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Financial Services, Ameren Illinois Utilities
- Douglas McFarlan, Vice President-Public Affairs, Midwest Generation
- Barry Matchett, Co-Legislative Director, Environmental Law and Policy Center
- Sharon Hillman, Vice President of Marketing and Environmental Programs, Commonwealth Edison Co.
- Hans Detweiller, Deputy Director, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity
- David Fein, Vice President Energy Policy- Midwest/MISO, Constellation Energy Group
- Ron Cerniglia, Director of National Advocacy, Government, and Regulatory Affairs; Direct Energy
- Tim Anderson, Executive Director, Illinois Commerce Commission